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            Quality Management Concept                                                                                About Us

                 Adhering to the quality principle “A best brand is based on quality, and only the best are recognised worldwide”, China Construction
            continues to improve its quality management system and strictly control quality of various facets of the business, including site investigation
            and surveying, design, procurement, construction and services, to ensure we offer high-quality products and services.   Sustainable Operation

            品质采购                                                                                                     科技创新
            Quality Procurement

            建筑领域                                               Scope of construction sector                           Technological Innovation

                 中国建筑采用“总部集中采购与区域集中采购”相                            China Construction adopts a collaborative system of central
                                                               procurement and regional procurement, to identify requirements
                                                               for and enhance evaluation of suppliers and subcontractors;
                                                               establish  a  blacklist  system;  and  continuously  improve
            量。2010年,中标供应商资质审核率100%,建筑材料检                       procurement. In 2010, suppliers with successful tenders achieved   质
            验合格率100%;组织供应商、分包商培训约70,000次,                      an audit rate of 100%, and the pass rate for construction material     量
                                                               inspection was 100%. We have conducted about 70,000 training
            覆盖约2,000,000人次;组织采购人员培训150次,累计培                                                                           Quality
                                                               sessions for suppliers and subcontractors, including approximately
                                                               two million people, as well as 150 training sessions for 15,000
                                                               procurement staff.
            Flowchart for Procurement in the Construction Sector
                             建筑材料要求         明确建筑材料原料配比、制造工艺、制造工序及各项性能标准                                              安
                 采购           Requirements for   Specify ratio of raw materials for construction, manufacturing technology, manufacturing processes, and various performance standards    全
                 要求         construction materials  Specify logistics and requirements for acceptance of construction materials
               Procurement                                                                                            Safety
               requirements   分包商要求         资质齐全,人员素质能够满足施工需要
                          Requirements for subcontractors  Fully qualified workers to meet construction requirements

                                            对于已合作供应商、分包商,从合同履约、服务质量等方面评价                                               境 环
                供应商           考察与评价         将评选合格的供应商、分包商编入公司供应商/分包商名册,作为今后采购优先选择的对象
                分包商        Inspection and evaluation  Inspect quality of new bidders, including suppliers and subcontractors
                 管理                         Inspect bidding suppliers and subcontractors, in terms of quality of construction materials, price and services   Environment
               Management                   Evaluate suppliers and contractors, in terms of contract compliance and service quality after the project
                                            Compile a list of qualified suppliers and subcontractors, and give priorities to these companies for future procurement
                of suppliers
               subcontractors  组织培训         根据公司要求,组织供应商、分包商开展工程建筑质量要求、施工工艺等方面培训
                                Training    Organise training on construction quality and processes for suppliers and subcontractors, according to our requirements

                                            建筑材料加工过程控制:对建筑材料的原材料成分、性能进行检验,监督原材料加工的工                                  员
                                            艺和工序,检查建筑材料的成分和各项性能                                                        工
                             建筑材料控制         建筑材料进入施工现场控制:根据施工要求,运用检查(书面检查、外观检验、理化检
                            Construction material   验)方法对建筑材料进行抽检或全检                                                  Staff
                              quality control  Inspect construction material manufacturing processes and quality of end products
                 过程                         Conduct sampling or full inspection on construction materials upon delivery to construction site by written examination, visual
                 控制                         inspection and testing according to construction requirements
               Process control
                            分包商过程控制         监督管理分包商的施工质量、施工进度
                          Subcontracting process control  Supervise and manage construction quality and progress of subcontractors  社
                能力提升           组织培训
                 Capability                 编制建筑材料采购教材,组织采购人员开展建筑材料方面的培训                                              Society
                enhancement     Training    Prepare teaching materials and organise training for procurement staff on construction materials procurement

                                                                                                   2010可持续发展报告  45
                                                                                                   Sustainability Report 2010
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52