





Page 24 - shehuizeren2010
P. 24

            Major Responsibilities

            中国建筑 让世博更美好


            Committing to well crafted architecture            前所未有的挑战
            and exemplary fulfilment of corporate
            social responsibility                                   中国建筑作为首家进入世博园区施工、承建外国馆
                The Expo 2010 Shanghai, with the theme “Better City, Better
            Life”, was a magnificent celebration of the economic, cultural and
            technological achievements of mankind. The Expo pavilions were   Unprecedented challenges
            created with architecture – a universal language – embodying ethnic
            cultures and technological innovations, and were the largest exhibits   China Construction took on unprecedented challenges as the
            in the event. As the “China team” in the architectural industry,   first enterprise to execute construction work in the Expo Park,
            undertaking the construction of Expo pavilions with a commitment   and as the enterprise undertaking the most construction work for
            to expertly executed architecture was both a challenge for China’s   foreign pavilions.
            architectural design, execution, management and servicing capacity,
            and gave responsibility to China Construction to earn a reputation
            for the country and the industry.

                       世博场馆备受世界各国瞩目,建设的品                             同时承建、参建数十个场馆,需要在合同
                   质直接影响中国建筑行业的国际形象。                             期内、世博开展前全部完成。
                       Expo pavilions are in the global spotlight, and   Undertake the simultaneous construction &
                    the construction quality has a direct impact on   participating in building dozens of pavilions by the
                     the international image of China’s construction   contract deadline – the opening of the Expo.

                                     压力大 Great pressure         任务重 Important mission

                                     要求高 High requirements       多文化 Multiculturalism

                          严格贯彻国际设计理念,准确展现                            世博承建工程涉及全球50多种文化风
                     每个场馆的主题和参展理念,应用大量新                          格,文化差异巨大,要求各不相同。
                     型工艺和新技术。                                       The Expo construction project involved more
                                                                 than 50 cultural styles from around the world, with
                        Strictly  following  international  design
                    standards and precisely demonstrating the theme   great cultural differences and differing requirements.
                   and exhibition values of each pavilion; employing
                   many new crafts and new technologies.

         22  中国建筑股份有限公司
            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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