





Page 59 - shehuizeren2011
P. 59

 安全制度体系  Safety Systems
 China Construction implements all national policies, laws and
 regulations with regard to production safety, has established a system
 策方针,建立规范公司安全生产责任、监督、流程和评价                                                                                           About Us
 and standards for production safety responsibility,  supervision,
 等方面的制度和标准,形成权责明确、全面覆盖、自上而  process and evaluation in order to form a top-down safety system
 with clearly outlined responsibilities. In 2011, the Company formulated                                            可持续经营
 and improved more than 480 safety management systems and
 公司大力推进安全生产标准化建设,制订《企业开展  The Company made great efforts to promote standardized
 production safety, and formulated the Application Program for
 Evaluating Standardized Production Safety in the Enterprises,                                                       Sustainable Operation
 requesting that subsidiary companies develop their own evaluation
 步逐级开展安全生产标准化达标评价工作。  method, establish evaluation standards, and develop a step-by-step
 evaluation in the enterprises.

 Safety Emergency System
 The Company takes the “improvement of its emergency system,
 安全应急体系  and enhancement of its emergency capability” as its principal goal,
 公司以完善应急体系,提高应急能力为主线,坚持事  and persists in paralleling the rescue afterwards with the prevention                      Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain
 beforehand. It strengthens the building of emergency rescue teams
 and equipment, and intensifies emergency disposal to continuously
 建设,强化应急处置,持续提升应急管理水平。  improve its emergency management.


 ᆌथ৸ᇲጹࢇᇨӄࢃ႐ాඹ  ၄ׇتዃݛӄ                                                                                                Quality
 Core elements of overall   Categories of onsite disposal   安全落实
 emergency rescue plan  program for accidents  Safety Implementation                                                安
 ࠅິጺև                                                                                                                 全
 ᆌथ৸ᇲଶڞၭፇፇׯ  Headquarters  ߛت጗஌๚ࠤ                                                                                    Safety
 ᆶ࠲ኰీևோኰሴ  ࿿༹ٶऍ๚ࠤ
 ᆌथᇨয়  ܾपڇ࿋  ༂໰๚ࠤ  中国建筑建立三位一体的安全落实机制,通过责任落                         China  Construction  has  established  a  responsibility
 ᆌथၚᆌ  Secondary Units  ةۉ๚ࠤ                                   implementation system featuring the three in one concept. Through   环
 ᆌथ࣬ް  ऐႁฅ࡞๚ࠤ  实、培训落实、检查落实三个环节的工作,加强安全工作                       the implementation of responsibility, trainings and inspections the     境
 ူຌഓᄽ  ഄ໱ૌ႙๚ࠤ  的落实和执行力度,提高企业安全管理水平,增强公司的                       Company strengthened the implementation and enforcement of work
 Members of emergency rescue   Subsidiary Companies            safety, improved its safety management and enhanced its intrinsic    Environment
 leaders group  Falling from height  本质安全性。                    and overall safety.
 Responsibilities of departments   ၜణঢ়૙և  Hit by objects
 concerned  Manager Department of Project  Collapse  责任落实      Implementing Responsibility                          员
 Emergency warning  Electric shock                                                                                    工
 Emergency response   Mechanical injury  公司按照统一领导、落实责任、分级管理、分类指    According to the unified leadership, responsibility implementation,
 Emergency recovery  Other types of accidents                  graded management, classified guidance, and all-employee participation    Staff
            导、全员参与的原则,建立四级管理,层级负责的安全                           principles, the Company established a safety management system
            管理体系,明确规定职能部门、关键岗位安全生产管理                           featuring four-level management and level-to-level responsibility to   社
                                                               clearly define the production safety management responsibility of     会
            职责。                                                functional departments and key positions.
                公司按照一岗双责,岗岗有责的原则,努力将安全生                            In accordance with the principles of dual responsibility in one    Society
 公司通过开展应急培训、指导督促开展预案演练等,  By conducting emergency trainings, formulating emergency   position and safety responsibility in every position, the Company has
 plans and making emergency drills, the Company continues to   产责任覆盖公司全体员工、全部岗位、生产管理全过程。  conveyed production safety responsibility to all employees including
 enhance its emergency disposal and protection capacity. In 2011, the   公司所属企业上下级之间签订安全生产责任书,通过责任  information on the entire production and management process. In
 演练8,530余次,覆盖人数420,000余人(含劳务分包队  China Construction organized 8,530 emergency drills for 420,000 staff   order to fully implement its production safety responsibility system,
 (including the labor force of subcontractors), effectively improving   分解、责任履行、责任考核的闭环管理,全面落实安全生  the Company signed the Production Safety Responsibility Management
 their ability to prevent, and quickly handle accidents, fire disasters and   产责任制。  with subsidiary companies covering responsibility decomposition,
 生产突发情况的能力。  safety emergency situations.                      responsibility implementation and responsibility evaluation.

 056  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 057
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