





Page 82 - shehuizeren2010
P. 82

清淤工作之。经过近一个月的努力工作,圆满完成清淤工                          upon its offices in Sichuan to raise 750,000 RMB, and to allocate four
                                                               excavators to participate in the mud clearance in the seriously hit area,
                                                               Longchi town of Dujiangyan. After a month of round-the-clock work, the
                                                               task was successfully completed. To express their gratitude, the local
                                                               government gave the Company a silk banner, on which was written
                                                               “Timely Assistance that Bonds Thousands of Families”.
            Voluntary Work

                 中国建筑在履行社会责任的过程中重视每一位员工                            China Construction values the contribution each staff
                                                               member makes to fulfilling our social responsibilities. We
            的力量,大力支持员工开展志愿者活动,在全系统启动以                          greatly encourage our staff to organise volunteer activities.
            “十百千万”工程为重点的关爱农民工子女志愿服务行动。                         Caring about the well-being of our migrant rural workers’
                                                               children,  we  launched  a  system-wide  volunteer  activity,
                                                               campaigning to mobilise our staff to visit rural areas and
            案例:关爱农民工子女志愿服务行动                                   provide community services.
                                                               Case study: Voluntary work by china construction third
            度肯定。公司与同心实验学校达成志愿服务协议,为学校修                         engineering bureau co. ltd
            补地面,并维修校舍电路、检修电风扇等,参加该校组织的                             China Construction’s caring programme for the children
                                                               of migrant rural workers in the villages is recognised by the
                                                               central government. The Company concluded an agreement
            该校学生进行免费体检;组织去武汉市儿童福利院慰问,为                         with Tongxin Experimental School to provide maintenance
                                                               services,  such  as  floor  repairs,  circuit  maintenance,  and
                                                               upkeep of electric fans. The company participated in the “New
                                                               Citizen Children’s Culture and Arts Festival”, organised by the
                                                               school, and invited Beijing Children’s Hospital to provide free
                                                               physical examinations for the schoolchildren. The company
                                                               also organised a group of representatives to visit the Wuhan
                                                               Children Welfare House, taking books, study materials, toys and
                                                               other materials to the children there.

                                                                   As one of the world’s largest international project contractors,
            全球责任                                               China Construction endeavours to be accountable to the world.
            Global Responsibilities                            We take the initiative to develop outstanding local resources in
                                                               places where our overseas offices are located. Through delegating
                 作为全球最大的国际工程承包商之一,中国建筑努                        management roles, we encourage and support localisation of
                                                               competent branch offices. Outside China, we have 26 branch
            力树立全球责任观念,积极开发驻外机构在当地的优秀资                          offices around the world, supporting expansion of our business to
            源,通过授权管理,鼓励并支持有条件的机构进行属地化                          over 30 countries and regions. Through approaches such as local
                                                               procurement and careful selection of subcontractors, the Company
                                                               drives local economies forward, increases local employment rates,
            区开展业务。通过当地采购、分包选择等方式拉动当地经                          gets involved in community building, and promotes local development.
                                                                   China Construction actively participated in programmes to
                                                               promote social responsibility among the China contractors of overseas
                 中国建筑积极参与中国对外承包工程行业社会责任                        construction and engineering projects. The Company assigned experts
                                                               to participate in the compilation of the Guidelines of Social Responsibility
                                                               for China Overseas Contractors in the Construction and Engineering
            业社会责任指引》的编制,为行业社会责任建设提供建                           Industry for which they provided recommendations to promote social
                                                               responsibility in the industry. We were also one of the first construction
                                                               enterprises in China to implement the guidelines and were awarded
            实践企业。中国建筑荣获中国对外承包工程商会颁发的                           the Gold Prize for Social Responsibility among China International
            “2009对外承包工程企业社会责任金奖”。                              Contractors by the China International Contractors Association.

                                                               Localised management
                                                                   China Construction engages with many different cultures
                 中国建筑在全球发展涉及到多种文化的融合,只有                        in the process of global development. Only by embracing our
            承担责任才能融入到不同的市场,才能在发展中化解各种                          responsibilities to these cultures can we be integrated into the
                                                               disparate markets and resolve the array of conflicts and resistance

         80  中国建筑股份有限公司
            China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited
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