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               考 察 公 司 的 设 计 理         考察供应商原材料的                 考 察 承 建 商 人 员 素          考察咨询服务团队构
               念、业绩、业务能力               使用、加工工艺、供                 质、执行设计理念与                成、类似项目经验、                  About Us
 没有中国建筑四局的发展,就没有下游供应商的发展。希望与四局的合作向更大、更广的范围拓展。相信通过双方的  以及以往类似项目经  货能力等。  方案的能力、正在承         人员素质等。
               验等。                     Inspect  their  raw  materials,   建或完成的项目等。        Inspect the composition of the
 共同努力,双方的合作范围更深更广,战略伙伴关系更加巩固,双方共赢的效果更加凸显。  manufacturing processes, and                   consulting service team, their   可持续经营
               Inspect their design philosophy,                  Inspect their personnel quality,
 ——贵阳海螺盘江公司    performances, business ability and   delivery capacity.  capability to implement the design   experience in similar projects, and
                                                                                          the quality of their personnel;
               experiences in similar projects;                  concepts and programs, and their
                                                                 previous or current projects.
 In the process of project construction, your company carried out construction in accordance with our requirements, and ensured the progress,
 quality and safety of the projects; you made great contributions to our moving-in on schedule and smooth volume production of public equipments.
 We hereby express our heartfelt thanks for your efforts and contributions in this project.  选择设计公司  选择材料供应商  选择承建商  选择咨询服务供应商   Sustainable Operation
 Hefei BOE Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.  的标准  的标准              的标准                     的标准
                Selection Criteria for
 Without the development of the China Construction 4th Bureau, there would be no development of our downstream suppliers. We kindly hope to   Surveying and Design   Selection Criteria for   Selection Criteria for   Selection Criteria for
                                                                                           Consulting Service
                                         Material Suppliers
 make larger and broader cooperation with it. Through our joint efforts, we believe we will have deeper and wider cooperation field, a closer strategic   Companies  Suppliers  全产业链创新
 partnership that resulted in a prominent win-win outcome.
 Guiyang Conch Panjiang Company
 地产领域                                       Selection Criteria for Contractors / Suppliers
 Scope of Real Estate                                                                                                Innovation Throughout the Industry Chain

 中国建筑坚持精品理念,将客户需求导入地产策划、  Adhering to the concepts of best quality, China Construction                              质
 incorporates the customers’ needs into its real estate planning, builds
 建造全过程,为客户铸造人文社区,并以专业精神和精细                                                                                            量
 a caring community for customers, and offers them property products
 标准,为客户提供具有国际品质的物业产品和服务,持续  and services with international quality so as to continuously enhance                    Quality
 提升客户居住舒适度。  their living comfort.  监督承建商/供应商改善农民工居住条件、工作条         在合同中设立防治扰民条款和费用计划,监督承
                件,要求开设农民工工资保证金账户,并保证账                              建商/供应商施工过程中的扰民情况。
 Quality Planning  户有相应的资金。                                        Formulate provisions against harassment of residents and a cost plan in the     全
 品质策划                                                              contract, and ensure supervision over it in the construction of contractors/suppliers;
 We inspect the natural and human environment at the project   Supervise the contractors and suppliers to improve the living and working    Safety
                conditions of migrant-workers, and request that they open a deposit account for the
 公司考察项目所在地的自然环境、人文环境,确定项  site to determine its quality objectives and grade; we take the initiative   wages of migrant-worker, and retain appropriate funds.
 目的质量目标和等级;主动了解客户需求,将客户要求预  to understand customers’ needs, and integrate them into the project   农民工管理  社  区       环
 planning in advance to enhance their living comfort in the future.   Management of
 先融入项目策划中,提升客户未来入住舒适度;明确招标                                                       Community                            境
 We also define the requirements for bidding technology, technical   Migrant-Workers
 技术、技术交底、实测实量、验收及工序控制等要求,保  explanation, actual tests and measurements, acceptance and process                       Environment
 障工程建造质量。  controls to ensure the quality of project construction.
                                                     Create a responsible
 Quality Procurement
 品质采购                                                   supply chain                                                员
 The Company continuously improves its selection standards for                                                        工
 公司完善承建商/供应商选择标准,加强承建商/供应  contractors/suppliers, strengthens its investigation of contractors/                      Staff
                                 反腐败                                               安 全
 商的考察与资质评审,严控物资、劳务队伍的质量,积极  suppliers and the inspection of their qualifications, and strictly   Anti-corruption  Safety
 controls the quality of materials and labor force so as to actively
 打造高品质供应链。                                                                                                          社
 create a high-quality supply chain.                                                                                  会
 公司将承建商/供应商对经济社会的影响作为重要选  The Company sees the impact of contractors/suppliers on   坚持公正、公开、透明的采购,与承建商/供应商  将建筑施工安全写入合同中,并设立员工安全保
 择标准,通过建立监督检查制度、组织开展承建商/供应  the economy and society as an important selection criterion. By   签订廉洁协议。  护等相关条款。       Society
 establishing a supervision and inspection system, carrying out   Make fair, open and transparent procurement, and sign an agreement on anti-  Incorporate construction safety into the contract, and formulate relevant provisions
 商培训、建立信息交流平台等方式,提高承建商/供应商  corruption with contractors/suppliers;  on safety measures.
 training for contractors/suppliers, and building an information
 履行社会责任的能力,打造负责任的供应链。2011年,责  platform we have enhanced the capacity of our contractors’/suppliers’
 任采购率100%。  to implement social responsibility and created a responsible supply
 chain. In 2011, we achieved a 100% responsible procurement rate.

 048  中国建筑股份有限公司 ・China State Construction Engrg. Corp. Ltd                             2011可持续发展报告・Sustainability Report 2011 049
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